The fundamental principles of Management, our beliefs, our corporate culture, our operational ethics, and primarily our voluntary ethical commitments are critical pillars of WARDI’s operation.
The people of the company are the most crucial factor in its success. That’s why we have created and continually improve a work environment characterized by respect, transparency, equal opportunities, fairness, and safety.
The goal of Management is to establish a coherent and modern framework for the prevention, addressing, and combatting of forms of violence and harassment, contributing to the creation of a working environment that respects, promotes, and ensures the right of every individual to a workplace free from violence and harassment.
• We respect the dignity of every person.
• We respect and protect the diversity of our colleagues, partners, and suppliers.
• We do not allow any kind of racial, religious, gender, social, cultural, political, sexual preference, or other discrimination.
• We base our working relationships on mutual respect, transparency, integrity, and justice.
• We create the appropriate conditions for us to express our ideas, beliefs, and opinions in our work environment, encouraging sincere and two-way communication for every matter related to work and the company’s activities.
• We do not allow any form of intimidation, harassment, or aggressive behavior in our work environment.
• We implement the procedures and policies developed based on international standards, such as SA 8000, regardless of whether there is relevant certification.
• We provide equal opportunities to all employees. All actions related to employees, such as promotions, terminations, salaries, transfers to other departments, participation in teams, etc., are based solely on merit-based criteria related to performance, ability, accomplishments, effectiveness, and qualifications of each employee.
• Each of us must treat colleagues, collaborators, and suppliers with fairness and respect and should not exclude them from the company’s processes as long as they meet the conditions and requirements for collaboration.
We strictly prohibit the following actions by anyone:
• Sending materials of any form (photos, videos, texts) that may offend or embarrass colleagues.
• Comments implying or insinuating sexual content.
• Forcing someone into a sexual relationship/contact.
Any employee who is affected by an incident of violence and/or harassment, even if the relationship in which the incident or behavior occurred has ended, has the right, in addition to legal protection, to file a complaint with the Labor Inspectorate.
When an employee or another party in an employment relationship violates the workplace protection policy, the company’s management will take all necessary and appropriate measures on a case-by-case basis to prevent a similar incident or behavior from recurring.
These measures may include counseling, reassignment, changes in working hours, location, or method, or termination of the employment or collaboration agreement.
The senior management, as well as individuals exercising managerial authority or representing the company, are obliged to:
• Receive, investigate, and manage any complaint or relevant report, demonstrating zero tolerance for violence and/or harassment, in a confidential and dignified manner, without obstructing the receipt, investigation, and management of such complaints or reports.
• Provide assistance and access to any competent public, administrative, or judicial authority during the investigation of such incidents or behaviors, upon request from these authorities.
• Ensure access to information about the procedures in place at the company for reporting and addressing such forms of behavior, as well as contact details for the relevant authorities, in accordance with applicable provisions.
The management will show no tolerance for retaliation against employees who have made reports regarding the matters covered by this policy. Retaliation may include, but is not limited to, threats, intimidation, isolation, demeaning behavior, malicious comments, or any action taken against the complainant with the intent to punish or for revenge.